Gathering 2022 was held in Edmonton, Alberta, from July 29 to Aug 1.
For all event resources, including the program and report books, please visit CommonWord.
View the We Declare study guide at CommonWord
Gathering 2022 delegate sessions
Worship sessions
Online workshops
Other helpful videos
A 12-minute film based on Luke 5: 1-11, the text for worship on Sunday, July 31. Written by Arlyn Friesen Epp, for use in congregational and other settings.

We Declare study guide now available for congregations
Mennonite Church Canada has published a study guide in preparation for Gathering 2022 in Edmonton, Alberta, July 29 to Aug. 1.
The guide is centered around the Gathering 2022 theme, We Declare: what we have seen and heard, and explores what it means to share the good news in today’s context.
The study includes six sessions on being a missional church, when the good news becomes bad news, biblical perspectives and bearing witness in a secular age.
Each session is accompanied by Scripture readings, reflection questions and links to reading lists curated by CommonWord for further reading.
Share. Build. Nurture. Strengthen.
We gather to
share faith stories
build the ministry and mission of the church locally, regionally, nationally and internationally
nurture faith and fellowship
strengthen a nationwide Anabaptist Mennonite identity.
Gathering 2022 is worship centred
Worship times are enriched by:
- speakers' presentations on our Gathering theme
- faith stories from members across our nationwide community of faith
- being situated locally, within the context of our Mennonite Church Alberta family.
Join us as we join together in praising our God!
Day for Spiritual Leaders - July 29, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Edmonton First Mennonite Church
The Day for Spiritual Leaders is a day intended for pastors, lay leaders, spiritual directors, parish nurses and deacons and is hosted by Mennonite Church Canada's Community of Spiritual Leaders.
Sarah Kathleen Johnson and Anneli Loepp Thiessen will lead worship. Time will be set aside for naming laments and grief from the past two years, with each other and before God, and a space provided to turn toward praise.
Glen Guyton, executive director of Mennonite Church USA, and author of Reawakened: How your congregation can spark lasting change, will speak on reawakening to ministry.
Registration for the Day for Spiritual Leaders $75.
Contact your regional church leadership minister for more information.
COVID-19 protocols
Mennonite Church Canada and Mennonite Church Alberta are aware of the current wave of COVID-19 cases this spring, due to the highly transmissible Omicron variant. While we hope this wave will subside before our gathering in Edmonton, we continue to monitor and will abide by current and future public health orders in the province of Alberta. Alberta is currently (as of March 1) in Step 2 of removing its pandemic restrictions.
Current guidelines do not require vaccination. However, Mennonite Church Canada will require the use of masks at Gathering 2022.
What to expect in Edmonton
John Boopalan
Rev. Sunder John Boopalan, Assistant Professor of Biblical and Theological Studies at Canadian Mennonite University, is the author of the book Memory, Grief, and Agency. He is the Series Editor of the Politics of Scripture (PoliticalTheology.com) that offers commentary on Sunday texts from the Revised Common Lectionary. John is a peer reviewer for journals such as Religions, Political Theology Journal, and Wabash Center Journal on Teaching. He has lived in India, the Middle East, and the United States. Married to Ester, he is the proud parent of their daughter, Junia. John loves cooking and believes in the wonder working power of God, food and laughter.
Cheryl Bear
Cheryl Bear is from Nadleh Whut’en First Nation, is a respected voice and teacher on behalf of Canada’s Indigenous peoples and has traveled to over 600 Indigenous communities raising awareness and understanding of Indigenous issues. She is a founding board member of NAIITS, an Indigenous learning community; an Associate Professor at Regent College; earned her Doctorate from The King’s University, and Master of Divinity from Regent College. Her doctoral work presents an approach to First Nations ministry from the foundations of Indigenous worldview and values. She currently serves as Director of Community Ministry at First United Church in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside.
Kara Carter
Kara Carter is lead pastor of Wellesley Mennonite Church in Wellesley, Ontario. She is a PhD candidate at Martin Luther University College, researching MCEC pastors’ lived experiences with barriers and facilitators as they lead cultural, organizational change. Kara is examining how God's people are being invited to "Go Local," to join with God in the neighbourhood to further God's mission.
Please note that this is a working schedule and subject to change.
**Children's programming is planned for ages 5 to 12 all day, Saturday, July 30.
Friday, July 29
9 a.m. - 3 p.m. - A Day for Spiritual Leaders for pastors, lay leaders, deacons, spiritual directors, etc. (Edmonton First Mennonite Church)
1 p.m. - 7.p.m. - Gathering 2022 registration (Evario Event Centre)
5 - 6 p.m. supper
7 - 9 p.m. - Opening worship/plenary - guest speaker John Boopalan
9 p.m. Crokinole tournament
Saturday, July 30
9 - 10 a.m. Worship/plenary - guest speaker Cheryl Bear
10:30 -11:45 a.m. workshops #1
1 - 3 p.m. Delegate session
3:30 - 4:45 p.m. workshops #2
supper (not provided)
7 - 8:30 p.m.
9 p.m. Hymn sing
Sunday, July 31
10 a.m. - noon nationwide worship service - guest speaker Doug Klassen
1 - 5 p.m. tours/outings
supper (not provided)
7 - 9 p.m. optional evening activities:
- Worship time hosted by In This Together. Led by LGBTQ+ and allied siblings in faith, we will See, Hear, and Declare the goodness of God in the diverse gifts within Mennonite Church Canada.
"Treaty Talk - Sharing the River of Life is a 50-minute teaching tool to better understand our collective responsibility to treaty" (from www.treatytalk.com) Join Dr. Pat Makokis (producer) and allies from Indigenous-Settler Relations and elsewhere as we learn and talk together about treaty, building bridges and building understanding.
“Do you see an end to this [Palestine-Israel] struggle?” asks Hannah, the protagonist of Syrian playwright Aksam Alyousef’s play Souls. Produced as Readers Theatre by Palestinian Edmonton-based actor and director Amena Shehab, this is a daring and sensitive play that explores the notions of justice, guilt, redemption, and the complex emotions and opinions that swirl around the complex history of occupation in Israel-Palestine. Discussion to follow.
Monday, Aug. 1
9 - 10:15 a.m. Delegate session
10:30 a.m. to noon - Closing worship/plenary - guest speaker Kara Carter
Gathering 2022 ends
Early bird registration
Full-time $550 ($600 after May 20)
Part-time $275 ($325 after May 20)
Children's program, ages 5-12 (part-time/full-time): $50
Youth attendee, ages 13-17 (part-time/full-time): $100
Meals included with full-time registration
- Friday supper
- Saturday breakfast, lunch, two coffeebreaks
- Sunday breakfast, lunch, one coffeebreak
- Monday breakfast, one coffeebreak
Meals included with part-time registration
- Friday/Saturday: Friday supper; Saturday breakfast/lunch, two coffeebreaks
- Sunday/Monday: Sunday breakfast, lunch, one coffeebreak; Monday breakfast, one coffeebreak
Questions about registration? E-mail us.
We Declare will take place at Evario Events Centre, which is located in the Holiday Inn South Edmonton, 950 Parsons Rd SW. Gathering 2022 participants are encouraged to book their accommodations with the Holiday Inn:
- for a discounted rate of $109 plus taxes and fees for a total of $122 per night for either a room with a king bed or one with two queen beds.
- Rates are available for one additional day prior to and one following our event, that is from July 28, 2022, to August 2, 2022.
- A booking code is available upon registration.
Ready to register?
We Declare - Gathering 2022
Edmonton, Alberta
Registration deadline is June 28!
We Declare - Virtual Gathering 2022
Join us online for Gathering 2022
Participate in live worship and plenary sessions throughout the weekend and take part in a unique virtual experience with members from across our nationwide community of faith.
Offset your GHG emissions with a carbon levy
Gathering 2022 registrants can offset greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from their travel to Edmonton by donating to a new fund established by Mennonite Church Canada.
The carbon levy contributes to MC Canada’s creation care fund. The levy amount ($/tonne of CO2e) is set by Joint Council and is currently $50.
For information on how to calculate your contribution, click here.