We are providing a draft version of the Guiding Ministerial Leadership in Mennonite Church Canada Policy (GMLC) for review by interested constituents. To date this policy has undergone an internal review, pastoral stakeholders have reviewed Part 1, and a lawyer has reviewed the whole policy to test procedural fairness. No policy is perfect, nor will any policy be able to account for every possible scenario. However, this external review process is another effort to improve this policy. We invite your input toward this effort.

Below are links to the draft GMLC document and to the form inviting your responses after review.

The policy:
The GMLC is provided for review purposes only. It is not the established policy of Mennonite Church Canada.

GMLC Draft Document

Your review responses:
Your responses to the provided review questions (on form linked below) will inform the final version of the document to be presented to the Joint Council of Mennonite Church Canada for their approval. A review team made up of five constituents representing a variety of professional backgrounds and one staff person will be discerning the final document. This same team drafted this version of the GMLC.

GMLC Review Questions

Deadline for submitting your response is July 31, 2024. Thank you!