February 12th, 2025
I have memories as a teenager, overwhelmed by cringe, standing next to my tone-deaf dad in worship as he boldly sang Cantonese hymns out of tune and without any sense of pitch. My face would flush with embarrassment, waiting for songs to end so we could all sit down and move on with the service. I didn’t know why he couldn’t just sing quietly, or better yet, enjoy the music in silence. At the time, I was insecure about my own singing. My rapidly deepening voice could easily be carried away by whatever harmonies or wayward melodies were within earshot.
I didn’t dare express this agony to my father, though. What choice did I have beyond asking him to hush or finding another pew to sit in? Both were inconceivable options. So, each week, I would stand in discomfort and sit with relief. Then, one Sunday morning, I do not recall what prompted it, I realized that he wasn’t singing for me, or for any other person in attendance for that matter. Rather, he was singing praises to God, in a language that he learned as an adult, without hesitation or self-consciousness, merely as a response to God’s unfailing love. In that moment, my acute feelings of awkwardness transformed into absolute awe.
The lesson I learned as a teenager that day continues to instruct me as an adult. Whenever my adult preoccupations with excellence (and how I can never reach it), or control (and how I can never secure it) threaten to drown out all other thoughts, the teenage Joshua chimes in to remind me of God’s total encompassing love, which needn’t be attained and cannot be lost.
I am excited to be a part of this year’s National Youth Gathering. Youth have valuable wisdom and insight for each other and adults as well. This summer, in addition to meaningful times of worship at Conrad Grebel, the Youth Gathering will join the adults at Rockway Collegiate on the Friday night (July 4th) to offer and receive gifts as we worship our God together across generations. I look forward to seeing you there.
Joshua Lash-Ballew is on the planning committee for the National Youth Gathering 2025. Raised by missionaries in Macau, China, he is now youth pastor at the Toronto Chinese Mennonite Church.
Registration for Youth Gathering 2025 opens March 5th. Save the date in your calendar and join us in celebrating the unique gifts that make up our community.
For more information and to register, please visit Gathering 2025.