March 5th, 2025Gathering 2025 Workshops
WEDNESDAY, July 2 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Location: Rockway Mennonite Collegiate (except for the Pension Plan Workshop - see description)
Eco-Anabaptism at 499: Living into the Gospel of All Creatures
Description: Learn about early Anabaptist mystic Hans Hut and his 1526 teaching "the gospel of all creatures." This is an inspirational source for Anabaptist ecological theology today. This teaching continued for the first 50 years of Anabaptism and then re-emerged 30 years ago. This is an exercise in looking back and living forward, finding inspiration today in a historical Anabaptist teaching. Amid apathy about the environmental crisis, we need to find ways to inspire action. Progressive optimism, that somehow over time things will get better, is not enough. Instead, we need a grounded hope recognizing God working in our suffering and struggle. The gospel of all creatures sees God at work in all creation, not just humans, and this can offer a wild hope in the midst of human crisis.
Presenter: Doug Kauffman is the Executive Director of Anabaptist Climate Collaborative, having served as Director of Pastoral Ecology there since 2018. Doug has a Th.M. in ecology and theology from the University of Toronto. He has been an Eco-pastor for more than 20 years growing from baptizing in a sometimes-contaminated river.
Imaginative Prayer with Gospel Contemplation
Description: Engaging with scripture can become a dynamic time of prayer when we allow our imaginations to join in. Using the spiritual practice of Gospel Contemplation, participants will have the chance to reflect on scripture as the “film director” (set the scene), “the actor” (choose a role) and finally by “breaking the 4th wall” (praying into the story as yourself). Don’t worry if you have stage fright, this movie will only play out in your own imagination.
Presenter: Randell Neudorf is an artist, musician, and believe it or not, a punk monk on staff with GOHOP (the Greater Ontario House of Prayer). GOHOP is an urban monastic ministry based in Hamilton, Ontario and part of the worldwide movement of 24-7 Prayer. Randell loves combining new and ancient spiritual practices in ways that make prayer dynamic, participatory, safe and sometimes even a little fun.
In This Together
Description: Stay tuned
Presenter: Pieter Niemeyer
MCC and the Church: Partners in Hope and Service
Description: In the face of overwhelming need and conflict in our own communities and around the world, it can be challenging to know how to respond. For over 100 years MCC has been partnering with churches to do just that. Let’s explore how that partnership and our shared Anabaptist identity might equip us all for the work Christ is calling us to at this time. Meet the new MCC Canada Executive Director.
Presenters: Ken Kim (MCC Canada Executive Director) and Michelle Brenneman (MCC Ontario Executive Director).
Mennonite Church Canada Pension Plan
Members of the Mennonite Church Canada Pension Plan are invited for a 45-minute presentation from Ardent Financial and iA the institutions that manage the pension plan. This session will outline basic retirement and investment concepts so members can make better decisions to aid them in their long-term financial health.
Location: Waterloo North Mennonite Church, 100 Benjamin Rd. Waterloo, N2V 2J9
Presenter: Christine Sass is a financial advisor with Ardent Retirement Group and Investia Financial. She entered the financial services sector in 2000 after attaining her Life insurance license and Mutual Funds License. Since then, she has completed her Branch Compliance officer certification and was the branch manager at the Investia Wpg office before joining Ardent Retirement Group/Investia in 2012. She has also attained her Registered Plans Associate, Elder Planning Councillor and Certified Executor Advisor designations to bring added value to clients.
Christine was born in rural MB and raised in Wpg, enjoys painting as well as being an active volunteer within faith-based organizations including her own church and community outreach projects sponsored by other faith-based organizations near her.
MCEC Palestine Israel Network
Description: Stay Tuned
Presenters: Stay Tuned
THURSDAY, July 3, 5:45 PM - 6:45 PM
Location: Rockway Mennonite Collegiate
A Study Bible 500 Years in the Making: The Power of Reading Scripture Together
Description: The Anabaptist movement emerged in the 16th century when a group of young people gathered around Scripture and were transformed as they asked new questions about its relevance for their day. Over the past 500 years, the Bible has continued to sustain and renew Anabaptist faith communities. Rooted in this tradition, the Anabaptist Community Bible is an invitation to read Scripture together, with fresh eyes, as a living text that continues to transform our lives. This interactive workshop will introduce how the Anabaptist Community Bible was made to invite new engagement with Scripture.
Presenters: Amy Gingerich (Executive Director and Publisher of Menno Media) and Mollee Moua (Managing Editor, MennoMedia - Anabaptism at 500)
Faith That Endures
Description: How do we nurture a faith in children that stands the test of time? Shine Curriculum, the faith formation resource for Mennonite Church Canada, Mennonite Church USA, and the Church of the Brethren, is exploring this very question. Join us for an interactive session where we’ll share key insights on what truly helps children develop lasting faith. Discover fresh, engaging resources for families and congregations, and take home practical ideas to inspire the young hearts in your life—whether you’re a teacher, parent, pastor, or grandparent. Let’s plant seeds of faith that flourish for generations to come!
Presenter: Shana Peachey Boshart is the Project Facilitator for Shine Everywhere, the at-home initiative of Shine Curriculum. She is an ordained minister and a credentialed leadership coach.
Faith and Fundraising: How Our Spiritual Heritage Could Help Us Meet the Budget.
Description: This workshop will help us tap into the Anabaptist roots that grew a faith heritage of generosity and mutual support. With this background we will examine how our congregations can better communicate the financial needs of God’s commonwealth and motivate inspired generosity. Come ready to share your congregation’s challenges and success stories.
Presenter: Fred W. Martin has served as director of advancement at Conrad Grebel University College for over 23 years.
Creation Care in Action: Building Momentum for Change
Description: This workshop is for people and congregations interested in receiving and developing ideas for action across the creation care spectrum, from simple living and sustainable food production, to education and worship, to building retrofits and climate action. We will present existing initiatives from across the Mennonite Church Canada community, including results from the 2024 Sustainability Report, and facilitate brainstorming and idea sharing between participants.
Presenters: The Sustainability Leadership Group of Mennonite Church Canada (Joanne Moyer and Tim Wiebe-Neufeld)
Mennonite Church Canada International Witness
Description: Stay Tuned J
Presenter: Jeanette Hanson
MCEC Palestine Israel Network
Description: Stay Tuned
Presenters: Stay Tuned