Benin Bible Institute professors Daniel Tossenou and Cyprien Dossou-Yovo prepare for students.

Celebrate pastoral training in Benin

Benin Bible Institute (IBB) is an interdenominational Bible school that provides leadership training for Beninese churches. IBB, located in Cotonou, currently runs two programs. The part-time program offers monthly seminars over three years leading to a diploma of Biblical knowledge. It is intended to provide biblical and theological training for pastors and lay leaders, as well as people wanting to better understand their faith. The full-time program extends over three years and leads to the equivalent of the French Baccalaureate. It is intended for pastors and individuals who are called to full-time ministry in their denomination.

Mennonite Board of Missions, a predecessor agency of Mennonite Mission Network, was invited to send Bible teachers and health workers to work with local churches on several projects. One of these was to establish a Bible school that would provide excellent leadership training for the various denominations and, in particular, for African-initiated churches. IBB has evolved into an independent institution, with part-time, full-time and extension leadership-training programs, with a vision for a full-time residential program that will train bivocational pastors.

Mennonite Church Eastern Canada congregations St. Jacob’s, Poole and Wanner Mennonite Churches, are part of a long-term support network that relates to IBB, sponsors regular visits and builds relationships with professors and students at the school. 

Celebrate pastoral training in Benin

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