July 6th, 2022Song commissioned for Gathering 2022 blends virtual voices from across Mennonite Church Canada
Written by Phil Campbell-Enns, voices compiled by Darryl Neustaedter Barg
“When Doug Klassen started to dream about the in-person gathering of Mennonite Church Canada, he wondered if I might be able to write something based on the theme. That was so long ago that the key scripture passage has even changed:) But what hasn't changed is the desire Doug felt to hold two seemingly contradictory things at the same time - the need to confess failings as seen through our complicity in things like colonialism and climate change, and the conviction that in spite of failings, our faith in Jesus and our efforts to follow him should be invitational. Even though we make mistakes, come and join us, and see what amazing things God will do through us.” -- Phil Campbell-Enns, songwriter of “Greater things than these,” compiled by Darryl Neustaedter Barg