Policy Review Questions

Your comments and responses to the following three questions will inform the final version of the GMLC policy document.

Question 1

Is there an understanding or perspective that is missing or not validly represented? – if so, what is it? Please provide rationale for why this should be considered. Evidenced-based rationale or documented research would be of greatest value to the Review Team, but we also appreciate personal experience.

Question 2

Some reviewers will be reading this document having an interest that they hope will be addressed in particular ways. If applicable, can you determine how your interests are taken into account? They may not be addressed as you would like but are they in some fashion accounted for? Please outline interests or concerns you have that are missing or inadequately spoken to. Where is the policy hitting the mark or close to it?

Question 3

Are you supportive of the general direction of this policy?

Thanks for your input into this process – please pray with us for a church that will grow into greater health and better process as we deal with situations that may arise.