Grow Anabaptist study groups in China
While many things in China are becoming more restricted in the past several years, some Christians are finding a space grow and thrive in small communities of believers. Anabaptist teaching is finding a welcome audience in these groups as they face many of the same kinds of challenges as did their ancestors in faith.
Pastor Y is working as an apostle and conference pastor for this group of church leaders. He travels to visit the leaders in their area of service. He helps to coordinate Anabaptist resources and teaching necessary for this group. He listens. encourages and supports church leaders in both small meeting points and large registered congregations. He works at connecting these leaders to the larger Mennonite body.
One Chinese leader said, "You have deep roots in faith and Anabaptist teaching. we have the leaves of new growth and belief. We need each other to survive." Join with Chinese believers as we grow together in faith.