Support outreach ministry in Colombia

Iglesia Cristiana Menonita de Colombia (IMCOL-Colombian Mennonite Church) is a conference of around 20 churches. The vision of the Iglesia Cristiana Menonita de Colombiais to have its ministries grow out of its congregations and their commitments as they live out the gospel in their contexts. They seek to form and nurture churches that are communities of faith in God, and believers in Jesus Christ, the Spirit, the reign of God, justice, peace, love and nonviolence, shared leadership, discernment and community hermeneutics, service, missions and interrelationships with other communities.

As a partner with IMCOL, Mennonite Church Canada supports the Colombia Mennonite Church with grants for ministries, especially in the areas of leadership development, church planting and missions. The church operates a seminary, departments for church planting and missions, and a justice-and-peace centre, Justapaz. The Colombia Mennonite Church also serves through its development and relief agency, Mencoldes.

In October 2020, IMCOL-Colombian Mennonite Church released a statement calling on government, civic leaders and churches to work together to decrease violence and injustice in their society. The statement is in response to continued massacres in vulnerable communities in Colombia and the assassinations of community leaders and former guerrillas. There have been more than 60 mass killings so far this year. Adolescents, young people and small farmers are the main victims. Please pray for safety, wisdom and peace for the pastors, leaders and congregations of the Mennonite churches as they take this courageous stand for peace and justice.

Outreach ministry in Colombia

Support Colombia Mennonite Church