Sow seeds of peace in Latin America through SEMILLA seminary in Guatemala

SEMILLA provides Biblical and theological education for adult students throughout Latin America and the Caribbean. Owned by 10 Latin American Mennonite/Anabaptist church conferences, SEMILLA was formed in the early 1980s at the height of the violent conflict in Central America. The seminary draws inspiration from the experience of the early Anabaptists who sought to live lives of peace in the context of social and economic injustice. Today, SEMILLA challenges its students to live the gospel message of peace, justice, and compassionate service in their congregations and communities.
Hundreds of church and community leaders, each year, from South America, Central America, Mexico, and the Caribbean seek the biblical teaching of SEMILLA. Your gifts provide critical scholarship support for these people, eager for training in the Anabaptist way of following Jesus. In areas plagued by poverty or oppression, you are walking with them, sowing seeds of peace and proclaiming the Reign of God.
Sow seeds of peace through SEMILLA seminary in Guatemala