Give to the Jubilee Fund
Jubilee Fund
The Jubilee Fund is a project of Mennonite Church Canada and Mennonite Central Committee Canada that attempts to address in a small way the imbalance of wealth and power between people of Indigenous (First Nations, Metis, Inuit) descent and Canada’s settler population.
The Jubilee Fund comes out of a desire to pursue justice and eliminate oppression. The biblical “Year of Jubilee”, as described in Leviticus 25, was a celebration that God commanded the Israelites to fulfill every 50 years. It was a time for the land that was sold within the previous 50 years to revert back to its previous ownership, and any person enslaved within that 50 years would be freed. People would return to their family property and clan. As a result, no one would be placed in a permanent state of poverty, enslavement, landlessness or disconnection from their family.
Ideas & feedback
Indigenous-Settler Relations would love to hear your ideas, wisdom, and dreams related to the work that we are doing, and what we could do to strengthen it. Please send your thoughts to Steve Heinrichs.