Emissions Reduction Grant
The harm caused by Green House Gases (GHG) to the atmosphere requires a rapid move toward more sustainable energy types and uses. The purpose of this grant is to inspire congregations to lead their communities toward reducing both direct and indirect emissions of GHGs.
2024 Mennonite Church Canada Emissions Reduction Grant (ERG)
We’re so excited you’re here! Read about our 2023 ERG recipients and get inspired! Part 1 Part 2
Why this grant?
The harm caused by Green House Gases (GHG) to the atmosphere requires a rapid move toward more sustainable energy types and uses. The purpose of this grant is to inspire congregations to lead their communities toward reducing both direct and indirect emissions of GHGs. The ideal applicants will be working in multiple ways to reduce their building’s carbon footprint, with the goal of being able to reduce energy usage or generate renewable energy equivalent to or greater than the energy they need for electricity, heating and cooling.
How the grant is funded?
In 2022, with Joint Council’s approval, MC Canada started a Creation Care Fund with an initial amount of $100,000 from the MC Canada Church Building Fund. This fund is used to pay for the Emissions Reductions Grants. It is overseen by the Sustainability Leadership Group.
Additional contributions for the Creation Care Fund comes from a combination of a self-imposed carbon levy on MC Canada’s staff and volunteer travel, and by donations to the fund. Regions and congregations may consider donating to the fund in recognition of their own carbon emissions.
Congregations receiving an Emissions Reduction Grant are encouraged to “pay it forward” if their emission reduction plan results in future cost savings for the congregation. Consider giving to the Creation Care Fund.
ERG Details
In 2024 this grant will pay out grants totaling $20,000. This amount could increase to $25, 000 in subsequent years if donations to the fund increase.
Each applicant/congregation may request a grant to cover up to 50% of the cost of a proposed project, to a maximum of $3000.
If the total suitable applications exceeds the total amount available for the grant, SLG has developed criteria for decision making. We plan to grant applications from all regions with a diversity of project types and a balance of large and small congregations. After these criteria are considered projects will be prioritized according to a general ranking of the cost-effectiveness of carbon reduction measures based on the principles of the Energy Conservation Pyramid.
Congregations must wait a minimum of two years after receiving a grant before they can apply for an additional grant.
Mennonite Church Canada congregations willing to craft and execute an ongoing plan that will reduce the Green House Gas (GHG) emissions produced by their congregation’s operations.
The grants are for hardware purchases and installation costs related to reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions.
Please take a look at the stories of our 2023 Grant Projects to get some ideas and inspiration! Part 1 Part 2
The Energy Conservation Pyramid might help you prioritize work that needs doing in your facility. The lower on the pyramid, the higher the impact for less cost.
Your proposal may include reimbursement for the cost of an Energy Audit. Such audits are helpful in assessing the most cost effective ways to reduce emissions for your particular situation.
There are two types of applications with slightly different requirements (see Step 3 below):
Type 1 These projects do not require an energy audit. Please consult with appropriate experts/professionals before proceeding. Examples include:
- More efficient lighting
- Switching from gas to electrical or high-efficiency appliances (Fridges, water heaters, ovens -- Energy Star appliances strongly recommended)
- Building sealing actions - Replacing leaky or damaged windows and doors, improving insulation/ventilation
Type 2 These projects require an audit or a firm estimate of potential energy savings compared to current energy use. This grant may be one of several grants applied to these types of projects. Examples include:
- Switching to more efficient heating and cooling systems, like a geothermal or air-source heat pump
- Alternative Energy installations, like solar panels
As with any building-related projects be sure to consult with appropriate experts/professionals before proceeding.
April 24, 2024: Applications open for Emissions Reduction Grant (Note: We will accept receipts for projects begun as early as May 15, 2024)
September 29, 2024: Application deadline for 2024/5 Emissions Reduction Grant
November 1, 2024: Notification of Successful Applicants
November 1, 2025: Deadline for submitting receipts for reimbursement.
How to Apply
Preparing to apply for your Emissions Reduction Grant will take some time. You have until September 29, 2024 to complete the five steps below ending with completing and submitting the application; start now to make sure you have time to complete all the steps.
You may want to preview the application form to ensure you have all the information needed to complete it after you’ve completed Steps 1-5.
If you need assistance at any point in this process, please email Sandy Plett (Climate Action Coordinator for MC Canada). She’ll help you or gladly connect you with someone who can!
This is an opportunity to think broadly about how creation care is part of your mission and to set goals for the future. We require this form because most congregations find it a helpful exercise, not because your selection depends on your achievements.
Print and work through the form in as much depth as you find useful without belaboring it. Ideally, this will be a group process, not just the grant writer’s opinions. Hopefully, a green team or leadership group is prepared to act on your evaluation.
In the application form, you will be asked to refer to your learnings from this exercise.
The Greener Congregation Stewardship Score Sheet PDF
The ERG does not require all projects to be preceded by an energy audit, however there are benefits to having an energy audit done, especially if you are considering major building projects in the near future. An energy audit is a great way to identify the best steps for a congregation to address the energy impact of its building, and helps to identify good options from an energy and financial perspective. These audits may also form the basis for conversations and the development of longer-term thinking for a congregation about its building.
If you have not had an audit done on your building, you might consider:
- a Virtual Green Audit with Stephen Collette
- a formal energy audit according to the audit options available in your province. These can be costly - you may decide to put your grant towards covering this audit if your congregation intends to pursue major building projects in the future.
- Consulting the Energy Conservation Pyramid to help you and your congregation reflect on where you see yourselves investing now and what projects might be appropriate or necessary in the future.
Type 1 Projects do not need an audit. Please consult appropriate professionals as you plan and implement your Type 1 project. Type 1 includes the following types of projects:
- More efficient lighting
- Switching from gas to electrical or high-efficiency appliances (fridges, water heaters, ovens -- Energy Star appliances strongly recommended)
- Building sealing actions - replacing leaky or damaged windows and doors, improving insulation/ventilation
Type 2 Projects require either an audit or a firm estimate of potential energy savings compared to current energy use. If you have previously had an audit done, please refer to this audit in your application. Type 2 includes the following types of projects:
- Switching to more efficient heating and cooling systems, like a geothermal or air-source heat pump
- Alternative Energy installations, like solar panels
If you choose a Type 2 project and do not have an audit done, please ask your contractor to provide an estimate of energy savings/reduced consumption and submit this information in your application.
This is the stage where you gather up the results of your greener congregation scoresheet and other consultations, acquire estimates, and determine the details of the project for the grant application.
Congratulations, you’re nearly there!
Before you begin completing this application form, check that the following have been completed and that you have these documents handy:
- Step 1: Complete The Greener Congregations Scoresheet
- Step 2: View or review the resources listed in Step 2
- Step 3: Energy/Building Audit or appropriate consultation
- Step 4: Plan your project
- Step 5: Complete the application
Proceed to complete the online application form (deadline September 29, 2024).
NOTE: The information you enter into the online application will automatically be saved in your browser so you can quit and return if necessary. Email Sandy Plett for additional information or to receive the forms in another format if needed.
Additional Resources:
To get familiar with what other congregations are doing about sustainability and their buildings, please check out Greening Sacred Spaces
This resource provides step-by-step ideas, resources, and links for congregations to take creation care action across the activities of church life. Created by senior environmental studies students at The King’s University in Edmonton, it is tailored to Canadian Mennonite congregations, providing both short-term and long-term options, and linking to other Mennonite, faith-based, and Canadian environmental initiatives and resources.