PIN Working Groups
Mennonite Church Alberta
A working group was formed out of local initiatives by both Mennonite and Mennonite Brethren church members in Edmonton. In cooperation with MCC and with Canadian Friends of Sabeel, they have promoted lecture tours, sponsored educational events on Palestine and Israel, and hosted gatherings of people who have been on learning tours to the region. Contact: Suzanne Gross at
Mennonite Church British Columbia
Within the Mennonite Church British Columbia (MCBC) structure, the MCBC Palestine-Israel Network task group seeks to promote a just peace in the region through providing opportunities to pray, learn and advocate. To date, we have shared information and promoted web-based resources and events. Looking ahead, we hope that "in-person" organized activity will again be a reality. For more information, visit the MCBC PIN website at Reach Jon Nofziger at with questions.
Mennonite Church Eastern Canada
The MCEC Palestine-Israel Network Working Group is comprised of about eight members, including one Presbyterian and two Missionary Church people. Its focus has been promoting tours to Palestine/Israel through Sabeel, MCC and Christian Peacemaker Teams. The group now has five people trained in the Palestine Land Exercise ( through an MCC trainer ) and has begun to take it to church and other community groups. It has also held lectures on settlements, anti-Semitism and Palestine Liberation Theology. For more information, please go to the group's web page. Contact Kathy Bergen at
Mennonite Church Manitoba
The MCM working group comprises a dozen Winnipeg members of MCM churches along with several Canadian Mennonite University students. Since the group began in 2017, it has helped organize educational events, often in partnership with local advocacy groups and CMU; met and written to government officials to advocate for Canadian support for Palestinian human rights; promoted Palestinian fair trade products; developed and implemented a speakers’ bureau to resource congregations on Palestinian issues. They have publish prayer requests and several downloadable resources available here. Chair: Jo Hiebert Bergen:
Mennonite Church Saskatchewan
Mennonite Church Saskatchewan has appointed Harry Harder as its regional PIN representative. A long-time international development worker in the Middle East, he hopes to build a network of Saskatchewaners promoting a just peace in Palestine. He can be reached at