Volume 679
Conference of United Mennonite Churches of Ontario
1. Annual reports (stapled copies). – 1963, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1980.
2. Ontario Youth Newsletter. – 1965.
Volume 680
Conference of United Mennonite Churches of Ontario
1. Yearbooks for 1947-1958
2. Information booklet of Ontario U.M. Churches 1956.
Volume 681
Conference of United Mennonite Churches of Ontario
1. Yearbooks for 1959-1970
Volume 2296
Conference of United Mennonite Churches of Ontario
1. Yearbooks for 1971, 1972, 1973.
2. Yearbooks for 1978, 1979, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984.
(see also MHC "Conference Yearbook" collection for complete set)
Volume 2607
Conference of United Mennonite Churches of Ontario
1. Ministers’ and Deacons’ minute book #1, 1929-1968.
2. Ministers’ and Deacons’ minute book #2, 1929-1968.
Volume 1894-1915
Conference of United Mennonite Churches of Ontario, Records 1923-1978
(s/a MHC microfilm # 208-213)
Volume 1894
I. Early Conference-Related Committee
1. Prediger Konferenz - Ministers and Deacons Conference, 1943-1976
2. Povincial Immigranten Komitee, 1934-1943
3. Vertreter Versammlung, 1938, 1941, 1943
4. Provincial Hilfskomitee, 1948, 1951-1958
5. Distrikt Komitee - Distrikt Versammlung, 1938-1940
6. Komitees der Kitchener-Waterloo Organization, 1931-1934
Volume 1895
II. United Mennonite Conference
A. Conference Committees and Projects
1. Executive Committee #1, 1960, 1962-1977
2. Executive Committee #2, 1960, 1962-1977
3. Council of Committees, 1962-1977
4. Committee on the Ministry, 1975
5. Missions #1, 1950-1977
Volume 1896
1. Missions #2, 1950-1977
2. Missions #3, 1950-1977
3. Missions #4, 1950-1977
Volume 1897
1. Peace and Service #1, 1959-1967
2. Peace and Service #2, 1959-1967
3. Education (U.M. Conference Education Committee, U.M.C.I. and others)#1, 1955-1977
4. Education (U.M. Conference Education Committee, U.M.C.I. and others)#2, 1955-1977
Volume 1898
1. Education (U.M. Conference Education Committee, U.M.C.I. and others)#3, 1955-1977
2. Education (U.M. Conference Education Committee, U.M.C.I. and others)#4, 1955-1977
3. Education (U.M. Conference Education Committee, U.M.C.I. and others)#5, 1955-1977
4. Financial #1, 1938-1977
Volume 1899
1. Financial #2, 1938-1977
2. Financial #3, 1938-1977
3. Financial #4, 1938-1977
4. Financial #5, 1938-1977
5. Legal, 1941-1978
Volume 1900
1. Conrad Grebel #1
2. Conrad Grebel #2
3. Conrad Grebel #3
4. Silver Lake Camp#1
Volume 1901
1. Silver Lake Camp#2
2. Conference Moderators, 1966, 1970-1974
3. Youth Organizations #1, 1952-1978
4. Youth Organizations #2, 1952-1978
5. Oshawa Men's Hostel, 1967-1969
6. Rockhaven House, 1969
Volume 1902
Welcome Inn, 1972-1976
1. Christian Nurture Council, 1969-1972
2. Stewardship Institution, 1965-1969
3. Ailsa Craig Boy's Farm, 1956-1970
4. United Mennonite Conference (General), 1961-1971
Volume 1903
B. Ontario Mennonite Churches
1. Ottawa Mennonite #1, 1960-1967
2. Ottawa Mennonite #2, 1960-1967
3. Waters U.M. (Sudbury), 1959-1963
4. Hamilton Mennonite, 1954-1966
5. Rockway U.M. , 1962
Volume 1904 to 1906
C. Annual Conferences, 1947-1978 (Programs, Minutes, Reports)
Volume 1907
D. Correspondence, 1937-1977
1. Correspondence
2. Correspondence
3. Correspondence
Volume 1908
1. Correspondence
2. Correspondence
3. Correspondence
Volume 1909
1. Correspondence
2. Correspondence
3. Correspondence
4. Correspondence
Volume 1910
1. Correspondence
2. Correspondence
3. Correspondence
Volume 1911
1. Correspondence
2. Correspondence
3. Correspondence
4. Correspondence
5. Correspondence
Volume 1912
III. Non-U.M. Conferences
1. Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) #1, 1950, 1962-1970
2. Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) #2, 1950, 1962-1970
3. Inter-Mennonite Executive Council, 1975-1978
Volume 1913
Miscellaneous (some U.M.Conference materials)
1. Miscellaneous #1 1937-1977
2. Miscellaneous #2 1937-1977
3. Miscellaneous #3 1937-1977
4. Miscellaneous #4 1937-1977
Volume 1914
1. Miscellaneous #5 1937-1977
2. Miscellaneous #6 1937-1977
3. Miscellaneous #7 1937-1977
4. Miscellaneous #7 1937-1977
5. Miscellaneous #8 1937-1977
Volume 1915
1. Amalgamation Study Committee Report 1981
2. Directory of Inter Mennonite Student Services
3. MCOQ – WOMC Annual Conference 1985
4. UMC, WOM, MCOQ Service of Praise & Celebration Program (1987)
Conference of United Mennonite Churches in Ontario
(Acc. 88-132)
Chairman’s Files (Ed Janzen, 1981-1986)
1. Annual Conference Minutes 1980-1981
2. Committee Membership Lists
3. Conference Minister — Selection 1979-1982
4. Conference Minister — Reports
5. Correspondence -- Conference of Mennonites in Canada/General Conference Mennonite Church
6. Correspondence - Congregations (Individual)
7. Correspondence — Congregations (General)
8. Correspondence — Other Organizations
9. Education Committee
10. Education Committee - Youth
11. Executive Committee - Minutes
Conference of United Mennonite Churches in Ontario
1. Executive Council/Council of Committees — Minutes
2. Finances - Budgets
3. Finances - Correspondence
4. Finances - General Conference Development Plan 1984-1985
5. Finances - Letters to Congregations
6. Finances - Reports
7. Mennonite Central Committee
8. Missions and Service - Committee Minutes
9. Missionsand Service — Correspondence
Conference of United Mennonite Churches in Ontario
1. Missions and Service - Hispanic Ministries (New Life Centre, Toronto)
2. Missions and Service — Laotian Ministries (Niagara Peninsula)
3. Missions and Service - Welcome Inn (Hamilton)
4. Personnel Committee
5. Program Committee
6. Silver Lake Camp
7. Inter Mennonite Amalgamation Study Conference 1979-1980
Conference of United Mennonite Churches in Ontario
1. Inter Mennonite Board of Congregational Resources
2. Inter Mennonite Conferences
3. Inter Mennonite Conrad Grebel College
4. Inter Mennonite Correspondence
5. Inter Mennonite Executive Council
6. Inter Mennonite Family Life Commission
7. Inter Mennonite Financial Reports
8. Inter Mennonite Conference of Ontario / Western Ontario Mennonite Conference
9. Inter Mennonite Pastoral Leadership Training Board
Conference of United Mennonite Churches in Ontario
1. Inter Mennonite Service Board
2. Inter Mennonite Shared Facilities Committee 1980-1982
3. Inter Mennonite Youth
Chairman’s Files (John Cornies, 1987-1988)
4. Annual Conference/Constitution
5. Closing Celebration
6. Conference of Mennonites in Canada
7. Education Committee
8. Executive Committee - Correspondence/Reports
9. Executive Committee — Minutes
10. Finances
11. Mennonite Central Committee
12. Missions
13. Peace Sunday Resource Material
14. Personnel
15. St. Clair O’Connor Community
16. Silver Lake Camp