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Sample Leave Agreements


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Plan for a study leave for Pastor Gwen Maki of the Second Mennonite Church of Yellowknife for the months of January through May, 2015.

The purpose of this leave is to complete a term of study at Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary, including the January interterm and Pastor’s Week. This study will focus on, but will not be limited to, enhancing skills in conflict resolution, a need identified in the recent congregational review. During this leave Pastor Gwen will take one course in the interterm and three courses during the winter term and attend the activities of Pastor’s Week. In addition she will spend time in reflection and prayer, worship in a variety of churches and spend at least two weekends in retreat at the Hermitage in Three Rivers, Michigan.

During this leave, the Second Mennonite Church will continue to pay Pastor Gwen 75% of the usual salary and 100% of the pension plan, disability and life insurance and health insurance. A free-will offering to be received at the Christmas Eve service on December 24, 1989 will be given in addition to help Pastor Gwen and her family meet the expenses of moving to Elkhart for this study term and incidental expenses related to the leave.

Pastoral needs during this leave will be addressed by a team of three lay members of the church who will each be paid an honorarium for their labours. Pastor Alvin Lizotte of the Third Mennonite Church has been contracted to provide counsel to this team and to provide any services requiring the leadership of an ordained pastor.

This leave coincides with the final five months of Pastor Gwen’s current contract with Second Mennonite Church. The congregation having called Pastor Gwen to a further three-year term expects her to complete that term in its entirety following the study leave.



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This is a statement of the understandings regarding a service leave for Manuel Garcia, pastor of the Cedar Blvd. Mennonite Church of Cedar Hills.

Pastor Garcia has been invited by the Mennonite Church of El Salvador to conduct a teaching ministry in the churches for three month period, September 1, through November 30, 2011. The congregation is pleased to release him to respond to this call and to assist Pastor Garcia and his family in their trip.

Mennonite Church Canada Witness (International Ministries) has agreed to pay Pastor Garcia’s salary and travel expenses for this trip. Accommodation and living costs will be borne by the churches in El Salvador. Cedar Blvd. Mennonite Church has offered to pay 75% of the travel cost for Mrs. Garcia and their children to accompany the Pastor. The congregation will also continue to pay 100% of the pastor’s pension plan, disability and life insurance and health insurance during this leave.

While Pastor Garcia is away the ministry of the church will be conducted by a seminary student pastoral intern under the supervision of a seminary-appointed mentor. The student will be paid a partial salary (75% of Mennonite Church pastoral salary guidelines for a beginning pastor) and will live in Pastor Garcia’s house rent-free. He/she will also be able to take one seminary course while serving the congregation.
