All current openings
- updated
December 9, 2009
- Openings are immediate, unless otherwise stated.
- Note: Contact the appropriate area church minister for
details of opening dates, congregational profiles and assistance in
testing suitability.
Mennonite Church British Columbia
Contact Garry Janzen, executive minister, garryjanzen@mcbc.ca
- Chinese Grace Mennonite Church, Vancouver, English/youth pastor,
- United Mennonite Church, Black Creek, Pastor, immediately
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Mennonite Church Alberta
Contact Jim Shantz, phone: 780 485 6602; email:
Jim Shantz
- Calgary Chinese Mennonite Church, lead pastor, immediately
- First
Mennonite Church, Calgary, lead pastor, September 1, 2009
- Trinity Mennonite
Church, De Winton (Calgary), lead pastor, Summer 2010
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Mennonite Church Saskatchewan
Contact Jerry Buhler, phone: 306 249 4844; email: jerry@mcsask.ca
- Rosthern Mennonite Church, minister of youth and young adults, immediately
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Mennonite Church Manitoba
Contact Henry Kliewer, phone: 204-896-1616; email: hkliewer@mennochurch.mb.ca
- First Mennonite Church, Winnipeg, lead pastor, May 1, 2010
- Glenlea
Mennonite Church, lead pastor, Summer 2010
- Grace Mennonite Church,
Steinbach, youth pastor
- Graysville Mennonite Church, Lead pastor, June 2010
- Morden Mennonite Church, youth pastor, Fall
- Nordheim Mennonite Church (Winnipegosis), lead pastor, December
- Winkler Bergthaler Mennonite Church, youth pastor, Fall 2009
- Winnipeg
Chinese Mennonite, lead pastor, July 2009
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Mennonite Church Eastern Canada
Contact Renee Sauder, interim area church minister, phone: 519 650-3806;
email: rsauder@mcec.ca
- Leamington United Mennonite Church, associate pastor, immediately
- Nairn Mennonite Church, Ailsa Craig, pastor (.75 FTE), immediately
- Petitcodiac Mennonite Church (NB), pastor, Summer 2009
- Vineland United
Mennonite Church, associate pastor to seniors (part-time), January
- Wellesley Mennonite Church, co-pastor, immediately
- Wideman Mennonite
Church, Markham, pastor, January 2010
- Windsor Mennonite Fellowship,
pastor, January 2010