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Nuclear Missile Defense


May 17, 2001

Prime Minister Jean Chretien
Government of Canada

Minister John Manley
Department of Foreign Affairs
Government of Canada

Dear Mr. Prime Minister and Mr. Manley,

Mennonite Church Canada receives with great concern the announcement made by US President George W. Bush on May 1st regarding the deployment of its vast National Defense System. It is our understanding that representatives from the US government will be directly seeking support from Canada in the next few weeks for this system and its operation.

We strongly urge you at this time to withhold Canada's support of such a system, and to work toward a position of redirecting the American unilateral approach through the following:

  • Making a firm stance that any movement of defense of this magnitude must be done with proper consultation with allies, and with all nuclear states.
  • Assuring that where "protection" against "rogue states" is of primary concern, that other proposals be given highest priority which do not involve a massive defense scheme which tears apart existing arms control arrangements.
  • With regard to Canada, that a full parliamentary debate and public consultation be held, and that the wishes of the Canadian people would be honored above all other influences.
  • Making Canada's position clear and firm that Canada, as a promoter of peace-building and peace-keeping, will support initiatives which honour existing agreements, such as the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, and other initiatives which promote arms control, and non-proliferation of global nuclear and missile proliferation.
  • Waging all powers of influence to further advances made in the past twenty years toward global stabilization and the reduction of false "paranoia" with regard to international relations.

It is our belief that at this juncture of human history, a movement such as the US Missile Defense System could greatly undermine all human progress of the past twenty years, and move the global community toward a vast 'destabilization.'

As followers of Christ, who came to demonstrate to the nations another way of living, the way of peace and reconciliation, we commit to you our prayers - for strength to act in a way which benefits Canada and the global community, and for wisdom which will be needed to bring an understanding of peace and security for all, not just for some.

God's Spirit be with you,

Dan Nighswander


Marilyn Houser Hamm