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Peace memos - May 21, 1999


1. New Resource: Preach Peace and Pursue It

    Peace Sermons by Canadian Mennonites. This collection of 18 sermons documents peace preaching in Mennonite Church Canada congregations during the last year or two. I hope that this book also serves to inspire peace preaching, and discussion of our church’s peace witness.

    Thanks to all who sent in sermons so that we could make them available to the churches.

2. Our agenda is broader than CNN’s agenda

    Luis & Fanny Correa, from the Colombian Mennonite church, shared recently at the New Life Assemblies in Alberta and Saskatchewan and in several congregations. Among others, one challenge Luis gave to our church was to not allow our agenda to be set only be what we see on CNN. There is pain and suffering on which the world’s eyes are not focused, but, as Christians, we must a people of truth who seek the truth. As Kosovo is on our screens, let us not forget situations elsewhere, and in our own country. Let us pray specifically and diligently, and use our eyes and ears and voices to shine light where there is darkness.

3. Kosovo

    As the bombing continues and refugees flee, our hearts continue to be heavy. Our minds search for solutions or even "handles" which seem elusive. Our prayers are with those who suffer, and for the leadership on all sides. I realize that you are probably receiving messages on the situation in Kosovo from several places. I don’t need to do what others are already doing. I have compiled a bit of a "Where to go to find it…" list on the war in Kosovo.

    Alternative press

    • We have assembled a package of articles from the alternative press, both church and secular, which gives some good insight and analysis into what is going on. I recommend this especially for anyone leading youth or adult Sunday School, workshops or preaching on this topic. Call the Mennonite Church Canada Resource Centre, 1-866-888-6785, and ask for the "Kosovo articles" to be mailed or faxed.
    • A very good reflection piece, written by Dave Shrock-Shenk of MCC, is included on the back of page 3. It might be included in a church newsletter, or as a bulletin insert.
    • Websites
  • Canadian analysis
    alternative press perspective
    secular peace website
    Human Rights Watch
    Kosovo Albanian
    Serbian perspective
  • Church Statements

    • The Confession of Faith in a Mennonite Perspective, and the Mennonite Statement on Violence are the places to start.
    • The Mennonite Church Canada Resource Centre has collection of Mennonite and other church statements on Kosovo which can be faxed or mailed.

    Material Aid

    • contact your local MCC office

    Worship/Prayer resources

    Congregational responses

    • Mennonite Church – Peace and Justice Committee (address above), ask for "Response to NATO bombing" brochure, also at their website.
    • – Christian analysis, "Kosovo Organizing Package," and "Prayer vigils on local bridges" (Christians around the country are invited to begin candle light vigils on local bridges and overpasses as a witness for peace in Yugoslavia. We will continue these vigils weekly until war-whether NATO bombing, Serb aggression, or KLA resistance-in the region is stopped.)

    Addresses of government officials

    • Any Canadian M.P. or cabinet minister can be contacted, postage-free, at: (name), House of Commons, Ottawa, K1A 0A6
    • For fax and email:

    Active Peacemaking in violent conflict situations

4. Sierra Leone

    Pray for those affected by conflict in this ‘forgotten’ war in west Africa. Over 1 million people have fled their homes as rival groups fight for control of the country and its lucrative diamond mines. The UN recently declared Sierra Leone as the most unliveable country in the world.

5. Global economy

    Remember the thousands of people, especially women, who work in maquilas, or Export Processing Zones. Maquilas are low-duty areas in which foreign companies set up factories and pay local people to assemble their products. Many are garment or electronics factories, and located in Central America or Southeast Asia. Workers are frequently paid very poorly, harassed or abused, made to work long hours, given dangerous jobs, and denied the right to organize. The maquila workers are a part of the global economy – an interconnected web affecting workers in Canada, industry in their own country, foreign investment and more. Pray for the workers in maquilas, for their managers, and for those effected by shifts in the global economy. Pray that Christians might seek understanding of the many economic forces at work in our lives and in the world and seek justice where there is injustice.

6. Domestic Violence

    Pray with those affected by violence in the home. Give space in worship to acknowledge and lament these hurts. Pain, abuse and violence affect us in our home and church spaces. As we seek peace beyond ourselves, we are aware of brokeness in our own midst and the need for justice and peace in our own communities.

7. Are you, or others in your church, planning to attend St.Louis 99?

    Include Of Roots and Branches, the Mennonite peace gathering, in your plans. July 20-22, "Revive us Again" retreat centre, Fenton, Missouri. $150 (Can.), for everything! Contact me at phone/address above, or