Childcare available at Gathering 2025
Need childcare during Gathering 2025? It will be available onsite at Rockway Mennonite Collegiate.
Young adults from across the country are coming to U30 Gathering 2025!
The U30 track (ages 18-30) includes full participation in the Gathering 2025 (July 2-5) while providing a home base for young adults throughout the conference promoting connection with peers and building networks and friendships that will last a lifetime.
All U30 registrants are encouraged to stay at St. Jerome’s residence ($42/night single; $36.75/night shared). This will include evening social events and coordinated transportation to and from the conference. Staying at St. Jerome's allows for meaningful national connections through intentional community building!
Registration opens March 5 – Mark your calendars.
Are you - as a young adult - interested in leadership in your local congregation through things like worship leading, fellowship planning, preaching, and finances? Our U30 Leadership Experience at Gathering 2025 is for you:
Connect with new and experienced leaders, all while gathering with your U30 peers. To apply for this experience and/or receive more information, contact
On the weekend after the conference (Jul 5-6), the U30 track continues at the beautiful Hidden Acres Retreat Centre. The U30 Retreat will focus on the theme of Intercultural peace-making. Come and be challenged to:
You belong here and your voice is needed. Include it in your registration (when available).
We want you to come! If you do not have a home congregation to support you in attending U30 Gathering 2025, Mennonite Church Canada is offering some subsidies to help cover the cost. Please contact for an application form.