Representative, Delegate, or Participant?
Confused about which registration type to choose. Here are helpful explanations for congregational representatives, regional delegates, and participants.
Join delegates and congregational representatives for inspiring sessions, worship, and connection. We will explore how God is calling us to use our gifts for the good of the world. We'll ask and discuss:
Find out more about our Gathering speakers SPEAKERS
Read and download full Gathering schedule SCHEDULE
Scroll through the listing below for all the details you need to know (more coming!).
Plan now to attend this meaningful time of learning, worship, and community!
Registration now open! Early-bird rate (extended to June 5) $335 (not including additional options). After June 5, full price - $385 (not including additional options).
Young adults may apply for a subsidy to help cover their U30 Gathering 2025 costs. Your donation will help make the U30 Gathering more affordable.